Mon petit week end a Paris approche! Vendredi je pars, alors il faudrait que je commence à faire ma valise...!
Ce que je voudrais vraiment, c'est une tenue super choue, genre chemise légère a fleurs, une belle ceinture en cuir et un short. Et pourquoi pas un petit pull crème. Et une robe? Et une jupe?
Et d'ailleurs, des petites ballerines...
Bon je vous laisse avec ma petit "shopping list" , en espérant qu'elle vous plaise...
Bon je vous laisse avec ma petit "shopping list" , en espérant qu'elle vous plaise...
Anna J. :)
PS: Je ne sais pas si j'aurai le temps de vous faire un coucou de Paris mais si non, je posterai les photos des que possible! ;)
My little weekend in Paris is coming up soon! I leave on Friday and I haven't packed my bags yet! What I really want is a light shirt/camisole with flowers, a nice leather belt and shorts. And why not a little cream sweater. And a dress? And a skirt?And why not, a pair of ballerinas...
Well I'll leave you with my little "shopping list" and hope you like it!
Anna J. :)
PS: I did not know if I have the time to say hello in Paris, but if not, I'll post pictures as soon as possible! ;)
My little weekend in Paris is coming up soon! I leave on Friday and I haven't packed my bags yet! What I really want is a light shirt/camisole with flowers, a nice leather belt and shorts. And why not a little cream sweater. And a dress? And a skirt?And why not, a pair of ballerinas...
Well I'll leave you with my little "shopping list" and hope you like it!
Anna J. :)
PS: I did not know if I have the time to say hello in Paris, but if not, I'll post pictures as soon as possible! ;)
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